
Comprehending Graduation

Wait, why am I still at home?  I should be in class... right?  Sitting through another lecture on feminist criticism.  Flipping through yet another Shakespeare piece.  This is life- it's always going to be this way.

Oh.  Until I graduate on Friday.

And then what?

I've been a student my entire life!  I don't know anything else!  How can they just throw me out into the real world and expect me to survive?  What if I just want to write essays and take exams for the rest of my life?  I've complained about it for years, but it suddenly seems so much more comfortable than going out and finding a job.

*Alright, Breathe!*

I just can't get it through my head that I'm done with classes.  Done!  It's so alien–I can't wrap my mind around it.  Of course, I'm still working on final essays and studying for exams, but those will be over before I know it.  And then it's all uncharted territories.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to don the cap and gown – all that stuff.  But I'm feeling ridiculously nostalgic.  I know I'm going to miss the environment of being a student.  Maybe I won't give it up.  After taking a year off and working maybe I'll start up a master's.  By then I'll be homesick for Shakespeare, I'm sure.

Ah, it feels good to vent. 

Now back to my papers and studying like a mad woman.

Hmm... Flunking out might buy me some extra time here, though.  :-)


Us Egberts said...

What a wonderful accomplishment! I hope this doesn't mean the last of your awesome blog:( Masters sounds good...you are surely up for that....Congratulations- You are AMAZING! Enjoy each of life's moments...I know you will:) Loves!

Franklin Family said...

It is SO EXCITING! But then you'll be the "bacon bringer" and you'll be Roy's sugar mama. =) What are your plans? What kind of job are you going to look for?

Amelia said...

Yay for no more papers!!!(I'm almost done with mine, btw)