
My Coming Out

Some people know this about me.  If my mom has ever cornered you and bragged about me, then you probably know.  {And I'm sorry you had to endure that.}

Or if you've ever had an English class with me in the last few years, or if you've ever been a roommate—having sleep deprived, deep conversations over homework and hot chocolate...

then you already know this about me.

But I've never come out and said this in a public place.  It's not like this is Twitter or Facebook or the State of the Union Address... but this is still a kind of coming out for me.  So here it goes:

I want to write and publish children's books.  

Phew!  It's not something I've broadcasted because I don't usually like the reactions I get.  But since you guys can't really talk back, I'll continue.  :-)

Writing children's books is my favorite hobby ever, but it would be cool if I could actually get one published someday.   Just for fun.  So I write a lot, and this is one of the reasons why I sometimes fall behind in my blog.  The blog isn't the only thing I write.  

I have an awesome mentor, a YA author named Carol Lynch Williams.  Maybe you've read something by her.  She's been publishing since the 90s and has written lots of great stuff.  My favorite: The Chosen One.

Anyway, she asked me to write something for her blog on writing.  Her blog is a bit more popular than this one {HA!} and I was kind of nervous.  Compared to her and the other published writers that post, I know squat.  Seriously.  I have no idea why she asked—but she inspires me and I'll jump on anything she suggests.

So I went ahead and gave it a shot.  I just wrote about something I've been experiencing a lot in my own writing.  Re-reading the post now, there are things I would change for sure.  But hey, it was like my first leap into cyberspace as someone who even has interest in children's literature.

If you want to check it out, you can find it here: http://throwingupwords.wordpress.com/ 
You may need to scroll down to find it.


And if you don't want to read it, you don't have to.  I won't even know ;-)


Suzette said...

Congrats, Elliot. And I'm sure you'll get published someday. I met Carol briefly and she's a hoot.

Us Egberts said...

yeah! I didn't read all of your story on the other blog....yet....but I have to know how you can make the snow falling on the blog:)