Roy was born on Christmas day. His parents brought him home in a stocking. I know, so cute!
Roy's never complained to me about having to share his day with the most widely celebrated birthday in the world. But still, since we started dating I've always celebrated his half birthday. Good excuse for more fun.
This year I had awesome help from Carson and Shellena getting everything put together to throw a surprise half birthday party-- complete with half party hats and half a birthday cake!
We sang him half of the happy birthday song before he blew out 13 candles.
Half of a birthday hat fit Story perfectly.
The presents were stuffed into birthday gift bags that were cut in half. It looked amazing, but I didn't capture a good enough picture for you. Sorry. The half birthday boy got half eaten candy bars and other treats. Then we played pin the tail on the donkey..
And if the other half of the poster had been there I wouldn't have been so far off.
Roy was actually surprised! When he first walked in on the half streamers and posters, he thought everyone must be celebrating my birthday early! Haha!
That night happened to be one of our very last in Utah. It already seems so distant. We loved spending that time with our friends. We miss them all already.
What a good idea for someone that has a birthday on a major holiday! Love it!
Great just know how to have fun!
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